Steven and the Kent Skating Club

By Steven, aka Steven

It has come to my attention that there are those of you in the Kent Skating Club that have some concerns over who I am. I write this very brief letter, (and yes, one page is brief for me, ask anyone who really knows me!) in a hope for you to understand me better, and more so in that such concerns have not been brought to me directly by the individuals who express these concerns. I also write this to help clarify any misconceptions you may have about me, as many people assume the kind of person I am based on my outward appearance without actually getting to know me for who I am on the inside.

From what I gather, some of you are concerned for your kids, I do hope that you do not think that I want to do anything to your kids or bring them harm. I don’t even hurt flies, and as a matter of fact, if I see a fly on the ice, I pick it up and put it outside the boards. Suffice it to say, I love kids, I would never do anything to intentionally harm them either physically or emotionally. I hope you can trust my words in me saying that, as I am the kind of person to step in at a moments notice to help those in trouble, or in need, be it a friend or stranger. I’m also a person who stands by what I say, while lying for some is common or even tolerable, it is something that I am definitely not well with.

In all my experiences I have found kids to be very perceptive, and much more open minded and accepting, I have never found anyone that was threatened by me, but more so it being the parents of some kids who do not understand me when any problems have arisen. With some parents who care to listen to my words, I have been able to explain who I am, and most are very satisfied with my explanations. I will admit however, that I have come across some that do not care to understand, or listen to the words I have to say. One can always lead a horse to water, but to get it to drink is another task in of itself.

And now to the meat and potatoes before I start running over my self imposed one page limit! For the longest time I’ve enjoyed watching figure skating, the moves, footwork, jumps, spins, and what not, of course, if it’s not already obvious, I also have a fascination with the clothing. Unfortunately I find most mens clothing rather plain and overly bland while ladies express themselves through an endless number of choices including mens styles. As such, I’ve felt there is no reason to restrict myself as to what society says I can and cannot wear. For one, it’s just clothing, something that covers my skin, men never used to wear pants, same with women. Women nowadays however enjoy the freedom to wear pants and not be ridiculed or discriminated against for doing so. Secondly, men who wear styles that are typically worm by females are thought of as deviants and other such things. I am male in both my sex and gender, my orientation is also hetro, even though most people assume male figure skaters are gay. I am who I am, not what others may think or assume I am. Just as a women wearing pants is still a women, I am still a man no matter what gender of clothing I am wearing. Thirdly, I am a human, and normal.

I’ve kept this short and to the point, and I hope to have provided some insight as to who and what I am, and what I am not. If you still wish to not get to know me for who I am on the inside based on my clothing on the outside, that’s fine, it’s fortunate that I do not discriminate in such a manor, nor am I a bigot. On the other hand, if you do wish to have a chat, chat away, I won’t bite, (well, maybe a little if you taste like chicken) I promise!
