For all the regulars out there that know me, I am active in all this, with an even more in your face style of my choices.

I’ve had people argue about it both ways with me, one group saying that I’m looking for trouble and hurt with what I’m doing. And the other more interesting group saying, “Your still a guy, so what?” Of course I’m also stuck between the crossdressers who are inflamed that I dress like a women, but refuse to look or act like one. Saying that I am doing a disservice to all genetic and TV, TG, TS, and CD’s out there with my appearance. And on the other end I have to deal with the straights who want no part in dealing with a guy wearing a dress, who is most obviously a guy, no if’s and’s or but’s about it.

Now saying all that, I will say that I have run across some folks who don’t seem to care one bit in what I’m wearing, and talk to me just like any other human being.

So many CD’s wanted me to put on a wig and makeup and at least try to pass as a girl so as not to be subject to ridicule and harassment, but I cannot, such a thing is a masquerade for me. It’s a lie, and not the truth for who I am. Meanwhile these same people who go the whole femme route, (some who do very well IMHO) are petrified at stepping outside there own door. The very same people who tell me to masquerade so that I will draw less attention to myself doing what I do.

This to me makes little or no sense, I will admit 110%, that I was petrified at going skating in my skate dress, it was only just over a year ago that I was actually among others in a club and a CD group that I wore them around others. And now only a couple months since I’ve actually done actual ice skating while wearing one of my many outfits. Even with all the guts and balls people say I have doing this, I was still hesitant when I went last week from my house, to the rink, some shopping, and then back home in one of my outfits, with no chance of putting pants on since I didn’t take them. I also will admit it’s not quite the same as the many of you who are out and about town, my fascination has been with skate and ballgown style dresses for some time. But it has not been until recently that I actually have worn a simple grey pleated skirt in public. My current taste in clothing does not coincide with the current fashion trend, not even my skate stuff is in style anymore.

I wore my ballgown to my clubs Christmas party and was recently informed that I caused too much undue attention to the group. I can understand this, I know what I wore was a bit over the top, and it did attract attention to the people who do not want attention drawn to them. But how can you draw attention when you are behind your doors and blinds? Talk is talk, I can say all I want about anything I want within the confines of my home, but if there’s nobody to hear what I’m saying, does it make a difference? Even talking in the many groups I have I think makes little impact, sure, I will find some people who agree with me, but that’s all, action for some is a much harder thing to follow through with. I skate alone, and while I may put questions in some peoples minds, there are many others out there that never go out and seek the answers.
