by Steven, a.k.a., Steven

For those who may not know me, I’m the guy who skates in a skirt, yes, that guy, if you haven’t seen me, I’ve been told I have great legs. I hope in this rather brief (for me anyways) letter to provide some insight as to who I am, and to settle some of the gossip and fears that ye may have.

Well, lets see, I’m a guy who wears skirts and dresses, (pants and shirts too, but there so ho hum), but I don’t care to pass, or go through all the things I would need to do to pass as a female just because I’m wearing an article of clothing that society considers “for females only” To go through all that for me would be a lie, lying is something that I just can’t do with reckless abandon, and just tears me up. I also don’t see any reason that I should look female if I want to wear a skirt or dress, (although my mom thinks I should get a wig so I fit in). Martin Luther King Jr did not tell black people to wear makeup so that they would be accepted into society more readily. It’s also been funny to come across men who won’t do some moves because they are too “feminine” Their reason being that they are a man, and macho men don’t do such moves.

As someone recently reminded me, sex is ones physical attributes, and that gender is between the ears, Although not DNA tested, I’m pretty sure I’m male in the physical department, as for between my ears, that’s a good question. If you go with what society would say I am, it would be female, I don’t express many of the typical male traits. I’m not much into sports, I don’t chase women, I don’t make vulgar comments about how someone looks, and I try not to inflict myself onto others. Among however many other typical male traits are out there, I really don’t fit into many of those. Yet since I look male, that is how I am perceived and treated.

As for female traits, I don’t know, what I would really ask is, other then someone’s sex, what makes one person male, and another female? Does a female who holds the door open for someone a male? Is a man who sews a female? Or is a women with short hair more macho then a man with long hair? I’m in serious trouble if men aren’t supposed to cry, so don’t tell anyone, ok? I could go on and on with examples, but other then ones sex, what is the difference between a male and female? Why does society say that the manners or clothing that someone exhibits places them in a different gender then their sex?

It is estimated that about 10% of the male population crossdresses, that is, they wear female clothing use makeup, wigs, falsies, etc… And try to pass as the opposite sex (while over 50% have worn, or do wear female attire). While everyone likes to label me as a crossdresser, I’m sure by now that it is quite obvious that I do not try to pass as a women. I do not consider women who wear pants crossdressing, (unless they have flattened their chest and added a bulge.) So neither do I consider myself a crossdresser. While on the subject of statistics, there are very few gays who crossdress, which coincidently corresponds to the high number of men who crossdress and are heterosexual. Also keeping with this, there is no correlation as to the fact that just because someone crossdresses, there automatically a rapist, murderer, or child molester.

Having said that, I have now dug myself into a hole, since I could arguably hide behind the statistics of being a crossdresser. But that is not who I am, and neither am I any of the other things. (Gay, child molester, murderer, rapist, you can ask or check my record if you want)

I’ve had people argue about it both ways with me, one group saying that I’m looking for trouble and hurt with what I’m doing. And the other more interesting group saying, “Your still you, so what?” Of course I’m also stuck between the crossdressers who are inflamed that I dress like a women, but refuse to look or act like one. Saying that I am doing a disservice to all genetic and TV, TG, TS, and CD’s out there with my appearance. And on the other end I have to deal with the straights who want no part in dealing with a guy wearing a dress, who is most obviously a guy, no if’s and’s or but’s about it.

I don’t see any reason to change who I am relative to what I’m wearing, I will hold the door for anyone, boy/girl, man/women, CD/TV/TG/TS, black/white, or a purple and green polka dotted alien, or just about anything else that’s going through the door. I try to be considerate of others and not impose myself or opinions onto them. Unfortunately most people have no clue in how to act civilized, or to be considerate of others, and chose instead to impose there opinions and actions onto others. Common sense, courtesy, and manners need to be re-ingrained into some peoples heads. Someone’s actions and manners decide for me, not their appearance.

Now saying all that, I will say that I have run across some folks who don’t seem to care one bit in what I’m wearing, and talk to me just like any other human being. (Me, a human? How about that!)

I deal with a great number of people on this, and It’s funny on how some people comment and fuss over all the things associated with dressing. I’m annoyed by people asking women as to what clothing they wear and what stuff they do with it that gets them “hot” People like that do not understand that for most people, clothing is just clothing. There’s nothing to it, and is as common and ordinary as eating and sleeping, sometimes trying to educate the narrow minded is a bottomless pit, and I wonder why I waste my time.

I also find it distressing to come across people who think the only way to wear a skirt or dress is that they have to look female in thinking they have to do this to fit into society. Do women who wear pants have to drink beer, belch, make vulgar comments, watch football, etc…? How about a women who wears mens clothing? Does she have to look like a man to do so? Men used to wear wigs, makeup, tunics, tights, etc… For some reason through the ages, men have lost the ability to wear something other then shirts, pants or something fancy without being unduly labeled as weird. I ponder if ladies would be competing in pants today if Sonja Henie hadn’t been daring enough to wear something different. FYI, the leotard was originally invented by a man for men.

My choice in clothing is as much akin as to someone’s taste in music, I like Bach, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, and other classical composers. Others like jazz, polka, country, rap, and/or other various styles. And while I may dislike someone’s taste in music, what one likes is purely their choice, if I don’t like it, that’s my opinion. And unless someone asks for it, it’s irrelevant.

I hope this short letter has given you some insights as to who I am, and hopefully given some answers for those of you who are uncomfortable in asking me in person. If you do have other questions/concerns however, please do not hesitate to ask, I promise I won’t bite. The hardest question for me to answer is the one not asked, and I’d rather you ask me then assume.

How about this weather were having?