Distracted by skirt

Someone posted a message about how they were distracted by their skirt during their program when competing. Many replied that they should do a few practice run throughs in full kit so they get used to it.

And here we are, back to tradition as even though females can compete in a skirt or pants, they still feel compelled in having to wear a dress.

In the early days of my skating, a few of the females wore dresses or skirts and most of the others a wore leggings and/or bun huggers.

If you’re practicing in non-skirted attire, then why not compete in the same? It’s not against the rules anymore, well, unless your in synchro, I don’t think they changed that one yet.

“Ladies” Figure Skating Dress

Due to not being as physically active as I once was, a lot of my skating dresses didn’t fit all that well anymore.

My seamstress had retired so I embarked on trying to find a new seamstress. Among one of the ones I did find, sent me a test fit dress based on the measurements I sent.

I didn’t pick the colors!

Overall the fit was pretty good, but needed some adjustments. I posted a picture of me wearing it in a skating group I belonged to and many people made suggestions as to what alterations it needed. Mostly saying it needed more bling and forgetting the fact that this was a test fit dress before the final dress was made.

In one of the comments someone asked “Why is there a man wearing a ladies figure skating dress?”

Of which I replied “Why not?”

They replied back that I lacked the curves to wear a dress and said one needed to look like Sonja Heni. They also mentioned a couple other female figure skaters who’s names of which I don’t recall, but I guess also had “feminine” curves.

They then argued that they wore pantsuits that were tailored to their body, of which from what they were implyling made them a “Ladies” pantsuit.

At one point my wife was pondering as to what I was dismayed with, when I showed the post to her, she grabbed the phone out of my hand and started a reply, of which I swore at her, something I have never done, and of which surprised her. I didn’t mean too, but I didn’t want her reply to be misinterpreted as my words and could understand why I would be so upset.

I’ve long since argued that the clothing that I wear is MY clothing, not male or female, but mine. As such then, I was wearing MY skating dress, it was made to MY measurements and for me to wear. Even so, I could buy something off the rack and wear that also, I bought it and I’m wearing it, so it’s mine and not anyone else’s. As such I fail to see the difference they claim of a typical male pantsuit shaped to a female shape then a typical female skating dress shaped to a male shape. Nor do I see a difference based on who is wearing what, traditional or not.

One other person also voiced their dislike of me wearing a “Ladies figure skating dress” but for the most part everyone else was giving ideas on the dress and not on me wearing a dress.

Eventually I gave up in my replies as it wasn’t going anywhere, there are plenty of people who lack “Feminine” curves yet wear figure skating dresses.

The humans on this planet, both male and female, come in an amazing variety of shapes, I for one am happy that I don’t restrict my clothing choices based on the shape of my body, something I wish others could also experience.


August 6th, 2020

Skated at the Alice Noble Ice Arena with a friend of mine who was disappointed that I wasn’t allowed to skate in my dress. The next time I skate in pants, it will be by my choice, not what someone else tells me I should be wearing.

Wearing a dress doesn’t change who I am, sure some people play dress up and pretend to be something else. For myself I am still me, I am still the same person in pants or skirts. Some people do use clothing to change themselves, and some clothing is used for people to be themselves.

Certainly you can’t have a firefighter fighting a fire wearing a polyester suit, but someone who is not a firefighter does not become one by wearing firefighting attire. And just because a firefighter is not wearing their kit, doesn’t mean they are not a firefighter.

I enjoy skating, and enjoy it just as much if I’m wearing a dress, for people to go out of their way and otherwise deny me the same privilege that others have is ridiculous.

August 3rd, 2020

Received an email from the manager at Alice Noble Ice Arena for the link to the adult ice, and contrary to what they told me on July 27th, I will not be allowed to wear my dress as kids will be around. They also informed me that the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday freestyle sessions are now restricted to 21 and younger.

July 31st, 2020

Back at Alice Noble Ice Arena with warm-up pants over my dress as it can’t be visible since there are kids around.

Atmosphere is much colder today except for the gentleman at check in, he was cheerful and polite. Other people I have been skating with seemed distant and not very talkative, such a shame.

July 27th, 2020

On July 27th I tried to skate at the Alice Noble Ice Arena in one of my favorite skating dresses, only to be approached by the manager saying that they would not allow me to skate in a skirt with kids present.

Walking up to the front door I was temperature checked and told good to go. I proceeded inside and took a chair outside the rink and proceeded to put my skates on. While tying my right skate a person approached me and said their name was Seth and that I would not be allowed to skate on the ice around kids while wearing a skirt. He also told me that other rinks had warned him of me skating in dresses.

I said my choice of attire is considered free speech and I’ve skated in Chicago and New York without issues, he said “This is Northeast Ohio.” I tried to argue my point and the error in their request, instead I was told that they are a non-profit organization. As such they can say what I’m allowed or not allowed to wear when skating and children shouldn’t be subjected to a man wearing a skirt. They then said I would be allowed to skate in a dress on their unadvertised adult freestyle sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They asked if I wanted my money back of which i said would be in their best interest. I received a refund, put my shoes on, and left.

I’ve skated in a dress at plenty of places, kids haven’t been the issue, parents of kids at times have been an issue, and it’s unfortunate that they chose fear instead of education. I mean seriously, do they think someone dressed as I was would try to harm their kids?

#FearThoseWhoFearMe #Bigotry