By Steven, aka Steven

Since few people have asked me, and many others have assumed I am something I am not, and since my mother says I’m a good writer, I write this in hoping that I can make some understand who I am.

And while I try not to assume to think what you or others may think, it’s a fair bet that most people have assumed incorrectly of who I am just based on the clothing I choose to wear. I also dare say that some have most likely never have met anyone like me, and I will fail to meet all preconceived notions of what the vast majority of society typically places on someone like me.

For the longest time I’ve enjoyed watching figure skating, the moves, footwork, jumps, spins, and what not, of course, if it’s not already obvious, I also have a fascination with the clothing. Unfortunately I find most mens clothing rather plain and overly bland while ladies express themselves through an endless number of choices including mens styles. As such, I’ve felt there is no reason to restrict myself as to what society says I can and cannot wear. For one, it’s just clothing, something that covers my skin, men never used to wear pants, same with women. Women nowadays however enjoy the freedom to wear pants and not be ridiculed or discriminated against for doing so. In fact, ladies can be coached wearing pants, jeans, shorts, leggings, tights, skirts, leotards, and/or dresses, while every coach I’ve approached so far has said I must wear pants 100% of the time or they will not coach me. Secondly, men who wear styles that are typically worm by females are thought of as deviants and other such things. I am male in both my sex and gender, my orientation is also hetro, even though most people assume male figure skaters are gay. I am who I am, not what others may think or assume I am.

I am not fake in who I am, I do not disguise myself as a female just so that I can wear clothing that society labels for females only, nor am I using clothing to express femininity. Women do not flatten their chest and stick a sock down the front just so that they can wear pants. As such, even though my mom wanted me to wear a wig and try to pass so that I didn’t create chaos, I do not alter or change my appearance to fit the clothing. To do so would be a lie, and that’s one thing I am not good at, it’s just clothing that I like. And since some people have a problem with men wearing a skirt, but not with women wearing pants, I call mine a Kilt, technically a SkateKilt. Also, the base of many ladies skating outfits is a leotard, which was actually invented by a man for men to wear. And of course now I come to the term which is very biased and one sided, crossdressing, if you admit that women wearing pants, leotards and other male type clothing are corssdressers, I could possibly accept the term that I also am crossdressing. Be that as it may however, I do not accept that label, it does not fit who I am, and does a great disservice in representing what I really am, human.

I’ve kept this short and to the point, and I hope to have provided some insight as to who and what I am, and what I am not. If you still wish to not get to know me for who I am on the inside based on my clothing on the outside, that’s fine, it’s fortunate that I do not discriminate in such a manor, nor am I a bigot. On the other hand, if you do wish to have a chat, chat away, I won’t bite, I promise!

The one and only Steven